Welcome on the Web pages of DL8RDS!
Amateur Radio is a legally defined radio service that shares the frequency spectrum with other services such as naval radio and commercial broadcasting stations. But it is much more than that. Actually it is the legal basis for people who are interested in applied physics, electronics and computer science. The law that defines the service, the Amateurfunkgesetz covers aspects that involve radio emissions. But in the end, it's a great research playground for people who want to understand the world as it is today. For details, please follow the navigation on the left.
My automatic station DB0BUL
- The Echolink Node DB0BUL - Status: Currently down because of rebuild
- The APRS RF Gateway DB0BUL - This system will act as a APRS node in the region around Burglengenfeld in the near future: http://aprs.db0bul.de
- The HAMNET2.0 Node DB0BUL - IP / Hostname: db0bul.ampr.org <->
My automatic station DB0ZM:
- The Relay DB0ZM - IP / Hostname: db0zm.ampr.org <->
- 2013-06-17 Well, my new Rig is in Georgia, so I just need a decent Antenna to get QRV there. I have closed in on another GAP TITAN after having made excellent experiences with it.
- 2012-09-23 I contributed my AirGate project to this book: http://hamradioprojects.com/
- 2011-08-28 I got my Georgian callsign 4L9MH!
Here are some highlights of my research:
- Measure sone environmental values in my parents' heating unit
- DB0RGB - Packet Radio Gateway
- AirGate - Ein APRS-Empfänger-Gateway
- DB0HSR The HAMNET node of Regensburg
- WebGeiger: An Arduino based Geiger Counter
- An Arduino Pro Mini based Interruptor
- Seagate Freeagent Dockstar Installing Debian on it!
- Das Amateurfunk-Wiki - It goes back to my initiative and now holds more than 600 articles
- ARISS Project, Luitpold Gymnasium München
- Datalogging with Arduino over HAMNET
- GNURadio and USRP2
- First Steps on Arduino
- Building an extremely small ARPS Tracker
- A SVXLink Server based on the BeagleBoard
- A Low-Power Combined Echolink and ATV Server
- A Microcontroller Operated SWR Meter
- P2P wireless bridge using Mikrotik’s RouterOS
- Turn a Fonera router into a link station
- Setting up a WIFI link between DL8RDS and DB0MHB
- Using the ASUS WL-500gP as a APRS digi
- Switching power over IP
- Setting up a 70cm AX25 based IP link
- Constructing a case and a GUI control for the T7F
No Science without scientific books:
If you hold an amateur radio license, feel free to join our project, organized around DB0MHB:
Size of this site: 104 Articles