APRS with the Raspberry Pi and the TNC-X board

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1 Motivation

After my first series of experiments with APRS and Ardino, but also with APRS and OpenWRT I am now trying out something else:

Using a Raspberry Pi as a APRS gateway. In this case I intend to do it bidirectional.

2 The TNC-X board

3 The Radio used

4 Configuration

  • Note that it is really important to set jumpers Nr. 3 and Nr. 4. Otherwise you won'r receive anything and you will not be able to transmit either.
  • I was downloading the following APRX version:
wget http://ham.zmailer.org/oh2mqk/aprx/aprx_2.08.593-1_armhf.deb

Here's the APRX config:

mycall  DB0HSR-1
myloc lat 4859.93N lon 01205.59E
passcode 12345
server    rotate.aprs2.net
pidfile /var/run/aprx.pid
rflog /var/log/aprx/aprx-rf.log
aprxlog /var/log/aprx/aprx.log
  serial-device /dev/ttyAMA0  19200 8n1    KISS
  callsign     $mycall  # callsign defaults to $mycall
  tx-ok        false    # transmitter enable defaults to false
  #telem-to-is  true # set to 'false' to disable
beaconmode both
beacon symbol "I&" $myloc comment "Tx-iGate Raspberry/TNC-X/APRX"

5 Images

Rpi tncx aprx1.jpg Rpi tncx aprx2.jpg

Rpi tncx aprx3.jpg Rpi tncx aprx4.jpg

Rpi tncx aprx5.jpg Rpi tncx aprx6.jpg

6 Links