Tests and operational report of a GAP Titan

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GAP Titan Skizze.jpg
The GAP TITAN is my new HF antenna. According to the manufacturer, it has resonnances on 8 shortwave bands. Only on 80m it does not cover the entire band.

1 Mechanical

The TITAN is an overall 7.50 meters high, measured on overall length, from the base tube to the upper cap. The lower segment is a double-wall tube, making the aluminium a little more sturdy. I have fixed the guying ropes on the GAP isolator with the steel clamp that comes with the guying kit. Since this is a mechanically below the upper section, I have come to notice that the upper section waggles in the wind a little. But I don't deem it critical since the wind resistance is rather small anyway. On the long (years) run one might consider if the GAP will be worn out a little. Yet, if the TITAN serves me for 10 years, I will be content to buy some spare parts. anyway.

The counterpoise square has a corner to corner diameter of little more than 4 meters. The aluminium rods have a really small diameter. Especially in central Europe, where we have experienced ice storms in the recent years, this kind of construction is very risky. Since the antenna has been devised in Florida, the manufacturers may not have thought of such a strain. It may stand a hurricane quite decently, but heavy icicles at the end will dead certain bend the tubes down, eventually cracking them off.

As a result, I would suggest to secure the rods to the main mast above, or simply unmount the counterpoise sqare during the winter.

2 Electrical

In a few weeks (as of December 07) you will find a detailed report on its performance.